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Révolution au Haillan

Tigana est évincé par le Maréchal Pavon qui annonce vouloir partager le pouvoir avec les joueurs jusqu'à l'élection d'un nouvel entraîneur. Le correspondant de l'Agence Transe Presse était sur place.
Auteur : Tecumseh, liquido et Gouffran direct le 12 Fev 2011


17:21. Jean-Louis Triaud, the Girondins' manager, tells the BBC World Service: "Jean Tigana will never leave Bordeaux, he will die in Bordeaux. It is his right".

17:22. From the BBC's Paul Danahar in Bordeaux: "The atmosphere in Quinconces Square is electric. One man told me he couldn't believe they'd won. But the big question is, what will the victory look like when they wake up tomorrow? The importance of this event cannot be understated but neither can its possible impact on the wider French Ligue 1."

17:25. Joe Biden calls Jean Tigana's departure a pivotal moment in history.

17:27. US Vice-President Joe Biden says what has happened in Bordeaux will be felt beyond its borders, notes role of social media in demonstrations.

17:32. Swiss foreign ministry says government freezing potential Tigana's assets in Switzerland, Reuters reports.

18:38. Questions are raising in Western Capital cities about possible involvement of "Les Barons" advocacy group in corruption affairs with Charles Camporro of Girondins' staff


18:41. The so-called movement of the Scapulaire Conditionné presumably at origin of Tigana removal

18:45. Reuters quotes an unnamed Marseille official as expressing hope that Tigana's resignation won't change peaceful relations between Bordeaux and Marseille, fearing age-old hatred between the two clubs could be reactivated.

18:46. The Sane Brotherhood, Tigana's best argument to remain in power in past months, renounce leadership in change of regime

18:56. Left-wing activist Benoit Tremoulinas expresses euphoria of "being liberated from the burden of oppression". "I was seriously considering seeking asylum in Germany, he adds, but now I'll stay in Bordeaux till I die".

18:57. Trusted source inside Girondin's management states Tigana to retire in his Cassis' resort. Marechal Pavon to Quinconces Square crowd: "Je vous ai compris".

19:05. Yohann Gourcuff, tweets from Lyon: "I wish the wind of liberty will reach this shitty club of mine #Puel dégage!"

19:17.  Allegations regarding a possible coup are spreading like a wildfire in The Haillan as we speak.
Only the work of a looney (Huard in French) could explain how the banana republic that was once Bordeaux, could be overthrown in such a short period of time. Chamber maids and gardeners are fleeing with draperies and cutlery, the scene is gruesome at times with scumbag agents kidnapping in broad daylight promising young players from the youth academy wandering about like headless chickens.
Numerous illegal armed groups such as the DNCG, the LNP, the UNFP and the FFF now want the lion's share of the illustrious yet ever collapsing Marine et Blanc empire.
Aurevoir la Bordeaux!

19:30. Contacted in Monaco, injured former Bordeaux striker Moussa Maazou (215 app, 1 goal), declares: "A revolution in Bordeaux? Bullocks! I don't give a flying shit! The Army already rules the club I belong to."

19:45. Barcelona's striker Lionel Messi declares to AFP: "Congratulations to the Girondins! You represent the hope of all the football people. I will be by your side soon to humbly be a part of this new Era in European Champions' League history".

19:57. Subcommandante Fernando to make a statement in which he is expected to address the crucial "442 diamond" issue as well as the bonus for "vital" 0-0 vs Olympique Lyonnais.

20:54. Critical change in Tigana's facebook status: "Communication, piège à cons".

[Texte issu du fil "Scapulaire conditionné"]


  • inamoto le 11/02/2011 à 23h01
    chapeau bas, les gigis....

  • Jure Yéti le 11/02/2011 à 23h55
    Je pourrais dire dire plus, mais en fait...


  • djay-Guevara le 11/02/2011 à 23h58
    J'ai un noeud au cerveau parce que j'ai cherche a suivre la chronologie.

  • Claude Lemourinho le 12/02/2011 à 00h25
    Very good indeeeed...

  • la touguesh le 12/02/2011 à 01h08
    Ah, bah le voilà l'article sur l'Égypte !

  • Charterhouse11 le 12/02/2011 à 02h17
    Haha, très bien vu!

  • Tonton Danijel le 12/02/2011 à 03h02
    I'm a little bit too drunk at urrent moment to understabd any sentence in English, but once I will get better I will give my approval...

  • gimlifilsdegloin le 12/02/2011 à 10h21
    I am not B. Obama, I nevertheless approve this message.

  • Francis Dolarhyde le 12/02/2011 à 11h31
    Well done boyz...

    Grace à vous, la France entière va enfin comprendre le slogan niqué:
    "Vive le football libre".

    Hasta siempre...

  • Raspou le 12/02/2011 à 12h25
    Magnifique, bravo les gars.

La revue des Cahiers du football